Thiaguera's Portal __
Professional Path :
English Curriculum
Articles :
Master Degree : Comparison Of The Predictive Performance Of Arima, Var And Vec Models In Cointegrated Time Series
Otimização de Hiperparâmetros - Teoria
Otimização de Hiperparâmetros - LGBM
P-Value Joke | Anedota do p-value
Discurso do Orador das turmas de Engenharia da USP 2018
The curious path from teams that shut their eyes to their workers
[Recommendation] | Data-related issues and concepts by Abel Borges
Apps :
Valuation App - Determine the Fair Value of a Business
Consulte quantos xarás você tem no Brasil
VLOG __ Recortes da minha vida em vídeos
Partial Derivatives from Melted Data - GitHub
Django ORM Models Data Navigation With Jupyter Notebook and Pandas